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SIA changes to security licensing

SIA changes to security licensing – what GMB members need to know
Date: 22/03/2021

The GMB is the union for Security Workers. We want to let you know about changes being made to the training you need to obtain or renew your SIA licence. It is important you are aware of these changes as failure to comply with them could leave your licence invalid and therefore unable to work.
The SIA say they are making these changes because they want to make sure people working in the industry can; keep the public safe, follow new working practices, understand changes to the law, make the best use of new technology.
The GMB believes these changes can be positive if they are not achieved at the detriment to our members. The GMB says:
• Security workers should have paid time off to undertake the new training.
• Employers should provide or pay for the required courses – security workers should not bear this burden themselves.
• Security workers should be supported by their employers to complete the training, particularly where there are any English as a second language / barriers to learning issues.
The changes are:
• ‘Emergency First Aid at Work’ training for all new SIA applicants from the 1st April and for any licence renewals from the 1st October.
• Updated ‘top-up’ training for licence renewals from the 1st October and from the 1st April for new applicants – this includes a classroom-based physical intervention assessment.
The GMB has concerns about this which are shared by many security employers. The concerns are:
• That the requirement for classroom-based training for so many security workers is logistically challenging due to the extenuating year we have just had and from which we are still emerging.
• Due to this, many security workers may not be able to access the training in time and their licences could be invalid as a result.
• That physical intervention assessments are not yet appropriate in the current circumstances and could prove a Health and Safety risk to a workforce that has been one of the hardest hit by Covid.
It is for these reasons that we have written to Michelle Russell, the CEO of the SIA to request a re-think from her department and allow more time for the training to be rolled out. We will keep you updated on any progress we make with this issue.
If you have any queries, please contact your local GMB representative or local GMB office.
Many thanks,
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer